Personal Portfolio

Nimesh Gautam

I'm a full-stack developer, always a student, specializing in HTML, CSS, Javascript, Typescript, React, Next, Astro Js. I am familiar with Pytorch, Data Analytics, Python, etc.

About me

I'm an educator, a student, a developer,a Civil Engineer specializing in HTML, CSS, Javascript, Typescript, React, Next, Pytorch, Data Analytics, Python, etc.

Currently, I'm founder of Neural Nepal, a tech and IT company, making a career switch from Civil Engineering to Computer Science, etc.

If you're curious to dive deeper into my work, you can follow me:


MTech in Artificial Intelligence
Kathmandu University
11/2021 - 11/2023

Bachelors in Civil Engineering
Pulchowk Campus, Tribhuvan University
08/2015 - 08/2019

Research experience

Applied Machine Learning
MTech Thesis, Kathmandu University
12/2022 - 2/2024

Thesis title: Representation Learning Using Self-Supervised Learning in Audio

  • - EDA of standard audio-music datasets using Python, Pandas, Numpy, Librosa, Torchaudio, and Matplotlib
  • - Experiment with the conversion of time-domain audio data to graph data
  • - Create a robust MLOps pipeline for training using MLFlow on the local system
  • - Experiment, develop and fine-tune self-supervised architecture that uses Graph Neural Network as an encoder for representation learning in music.

Work Experience

Business Website
04/2024 - 06/2024

Website link:

  • - Development of website using Astro Js framework for frontend and Strapi CMS
  • - Hosting on VPS, CI using Github actions.

FullStack Web Developer
Sigma Capital
07/2023 - present

  • - Interaction with clients, project planning, and execution using the Agile method
  • - Backend CRUD REST API development in Nest Js, Typescript, and API Documentation
  • - Frontend CRUD UI development, Reusable Component Development and Documentation in Storybook, and authentication system in React Js, Type- script

Python Instructor
AI Club, Kathmandu University

  • - Seven days Python bootcamp Instructor
  • - Hands-On teaching covering Python basics to first and second-year BTech in AI students


Some of my projects

Artificial Intelligence

Human Voice Classification (Mini Project)

  • - Build a small custom dataset of the human voice of six classes
  • - Training using Siamese Network which uses CNN as an encoder.

Image Caption Generation (Mini Project)

  • - Replication of image caption generation research paper

Plant Disease Classification (Mini Project)

  • - EDA of standard dataset, "Plant Village Dataset"
  • - Pre-training using self-supervised method followed by supervised classification

ETL (Mini Project)

  • - Web Scraping of an e-commerce site using beautiful soup, cleaning data, and storing in MongoDB
  • - Development of REST API using FASTAPI for retrieving data stored in MongoDB for visualizing in PowerBI.

Youtube Channel (@theabcofprogramming3013)

  • - Tutorials on Basics of Python, Conda Installation, Basic Numpy